Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Wednesday 22nd to Thursday 23rd Coventry

On Wednesday we moved rooms. We moved into a family room and it was alot better because we hada double bed and 2 single beds and 2 rooms! I slept with my mum unfortunetly and Molly and Victoria slept together. We did 2 shows today and Molly was Annie in the matinee and I was Annie in Wednesday night.

Today we were tutored again. The tutor was called Peter. We did wierd warm ups before we started work lol. When we were doing work he said you can listen to some music on my phone if you want, which was very kind. Molly and Victoria got there ipods and I brought mine but mine had no charge. After that my graandad came down and I hadn't seen him for ages!!! I gave him a big hug! He said he saw the lorrys and thought they were amazing! My grandad is funny because he is irish and he can't say th. Instead for threee he says tree lol. Then we went to a pub and Grandad taught Molly and Victoria pool. I played on my phone and we did face time with my uncle on my phone. After that we did a show. Victoria was Annie and I was Tessie.

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