Monday, 8 November 2010

New Brighton. (All the week) 28th sep to 2nd Oct

Today we arrived in New Brighton. I was sooo excited because new Brighton is by the sea! We thought it was going to be beautiful! When we arrived it was a little bit disapointing because it was a bit dull and there was no shops or anything! We got out the car and went into our new appartment. It was really nice because we had a family room! After that we went to the theatre to go and meet the orphans and go threw all the songs. The orphans were soooo nice! We ran threw all the songs and they were really good! After that we did the show. I was Annie. Can't remember who was Tessie. This week might turn out to be better!

Today we had 2 shows and I can't remember them lol. I think thats all we did really lol. Tommorow I am soo excited because we are going to the beach!

Today we went to the beach and we met Robo and Craig there. It was really fun because we all drew really cool pictures in the sand! Robo drew a batman! Here is a picture of it! Then after that we did a show. It was really fun! Then after the show we went bowling with the cast and we won a toy mearcat! It took ages to win because it was one of those scoop things!
After the shows we always went to this pub lol. And all the cast were there and it was really good. Also in the pub was the nicest carvey you have ever tasted!They had turkey, potatoes and brocolie and the nicest gravey ever! The gravey tasted like carrots lol!

Today mum promised me and Victoria that we could go to the fair! It was really fun because we went on loads of rides such as: the rollar coaster, the fun house, the trampoliens and the werlly copters! It was all really fun! I got a donut and Victoria got lots of rock lol. This week was alot better then planned. Infact, mum thought it was her

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