Monday, 8 November 2010

Swindon (All the week) Moday 4th to Sat 9th

Swindon was a good week. Our room in our hotel was a bit small because molly had to sleep on a camp bed near the door where we walked in. It was a bit cramped to. We also had to share rooms with the orphans in another tiny room, so we were cramped again!! lol. It was Victoria's mum's birthday this week and she came specially to see Victoria as annie! We went to a lush shop and bought her some really nice lush for the bath! She loved that! We also went to Hawkins Bizare and I bought a splat frog where its a squishy ball and you threw it at a wall and it turns into goo lol. And then the day after at Hawkins Bizare I bought a chicken where you squeeze it and an egg popped out. Molly thought it was discusting but I thought it was cool! lol. As we were eating breakfast one morning with the lady that plays Mrs Pugh in annie, the Annie lorry with my face on drove pass! I couldn't believe it lol. This is a picture of me standing by the annie poster in the train station.
This is Michelle on her birthday.

 Swindon was a great week! Can't wait to have my week off next week!

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