We had no show today. Only at night and I was going to be playing Annie! So we went swimming to the pool where me, Molly and her brother and sister went! Victoria hadn't been there before so we went to take her! She loved it! We went on the slide and you were alowed to go any type of way down the slide! We kept spinning around and stuff! It was really fun!
Then we went to the show! I was Annie again! This time Rita (the dog owner) had an idea to make Danny come! She gave me a piece of cheese and told me to give it to Danny so I did. Then she gave me another and I put it in my pocket. Then on the stage Danny kept starring at my pocket. Then when I called him he came! So it worked. Then when I went off I gave him the cheese!
Monday, 30 August 2010
Wednesday 25th August
Today, Molly was Annie! She did so well! She is amazing at singing tommorow! Today, in the matinee show, I played Tessie.... AGAIN! And Molly was Annie. Molly is amazing at Annie! The show went well again! (which is good!) I was really excited for tonight because I was going to play Annie! So after the show finished it was my turn! After the show we went to Wetherspoons for tea! It was LOVELY! Then we went back to the theatre. I was Annie! The show went really well but Danny the dog (Sandy) didn't come when he was supposed to! He didn't come for Victoria and Molly either lol! I kept saying "Sandy! Come here, Sandy! Come here, boy! SANDY! SSSSAAAAANNNNDDDYYY!!!!!!!!!!!" Then he looked behind him and his owner was saying "Come on Danny! Go to Lydia!" But Danny thought she said come here! So he went off the stage! I couldn't believe it! I thought he would never come again! Then I shouted "SAAANNNNNNNDDDDYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" Then FINALLY he came! I got a big applause at the end! I had a really great show! It all came back to me because I had done it last year!
What a great day!
What a great day!
Tuesday 24th August
Today Victoria was going to play Annie! She was so excited because it's her first show. When we got there we did one rehearsal before the show. I was Annie at the end of the rehearsal and Victoria was playing Tessie. After that the orphans arrived at 2:00 and everyone got changed. Victoria was Annie and I was Tessie. I had to wear that horrible wig again! lol. Victoria did extremely well that night! We are all very proud of her! I asked Victoria which bit she liked best and she said "The best bit was at the end because I came down the stairs dressed in the red curly wig and the famous red dress!" After the song 'Smile' all the orpahans had to put their posh dresses underneath their rags for the finale. I don't like that bit because I get REALLY hot with my wig on and 2 thick layers! Victoria was very nervous at the beginning. She said "I was terrified before I went on but as soon as I put down the bucket and said my line I felt amazing!" After that we had a little party for doing the first show. We spoke to Chris Moreno (the producer) and Roger Hannah (the director) and Roger Hannah's brother (he was very friendly).
What an amazing day we had!!
What an amazing day we had!!
Friday, 27 August 2010
Monday 23rd August
Today we had to be in the theatre by 12:00. We got a little bit of a lie in. We went to the theatre then we did a mic check. I tested Annie's mike and Victoria tested Tessie's mike. It was really nice to be on the stage again! The theatre is REALLY nice! Then after that we put on the costumes. Victoria was Annie and I was Tessie. I have to ware the Tessie wig because my hair is too red to be Tessie. But I have to ware a wig for Annie because my hair isn't red anouth! Then the show started. Tessie dosent really do much. But when Miss Hannigan pulled the wig it almost fell off! So I held it so it wouldn't fall off lol. In the afternoon me and Victoria sat down and watch it. (Actually I might of played Tessie AGAIN) Im not sure.
Then we went home.
What a great day!
Then we went home.
What a great day!
Monday, 23 August 2010
Sunday 22nd August
Today was another day off! It was so fun!! Me, Euan (Molly's brother), Alice (Molly's sister), and Molly went swimming to this really fun pool! We also went to this textile museum. First we went to the museum.
The museum was very interesting. It was about how they made fabric in factories in the past. The way they treated children was horrible. We went into the place where they made the fabrics. It looked so cool and there was so much machines to look at! Sorry we did not have a camera on us so we havn't got any photos. Then we went into another room where it had loads of cars in it. But old fashioned ones. There was this really strange one with 3 wheels and a motor bike attached to it! This was all very interesting!
Then we went to the pool! It was so fun because it had this really cool curly slide and 3 diving boards! There was one little one that bownced when you jumped off it and there was another little one that didn't bounce and there was a HUGE one that didn't bounce! First we went for a little swim so we could get used to the water. Then we went on the slide. It was really good because you were allowed to go any type of way on it and it was really fast! We all went on a front feet first and turned onto our front and kept spinning around whilst we were on the slide! It was sooo cool!!!! Then we went on the diving boards! The little ones were not very scary atall lol. But the big one was soo scary! Molly said "Just jump and you will be fine!" So i did and she was right! I WAS FINE! It was sooo fun!!!!!!!!!
The museum was very interesting. It was about how they made fabric in factories in the past. The way they treated children was horrible. We went into the place where they made the fabrics. It looked so cool and there was so much machines to look at! Sorry we did not have a camera on us so we havn't got any photos. Then we went into another room where it had loads of cars in it. But old fashioned ones. There was this really strange one with 3 wheels and a motor bike attached to it! This was all very interesting!
Then we went to the pool! It was so fun because it had this really cool curly slide and 3 diving boards! There was one little one that bownced when you jumped off it and there was another little one that didn't bounce and there was a HUGE one that didn't bounce! First we went for a little swim so we could get used to the water. Then we went on the slide. It was really good because you were allowed to go any type of way on it and it was really fast! We all went on a front feet first and turned onto our front and kept spinning around whilst we were on the slide! It was sooo cool!!!! Then we went on the diving boards! The little ones were not very scary atall lol. But the big one was soo scary! Molly said "Just jump and you will be fine!" So i did and she was right! I WAS FINE! It was sooo fun!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, 22 August 2010
Saturday 21st August
This is a picture of me and Danny saying bye bye xxx
Friday, 20 August 2010
Friday 20th August
Hi! Today was a busy day! BUT GREAT! First we got up and went to the theatre. It was pouring with rain! We got on a bus. It was a double decker bus and we went on the top at the front! It was really really fun! Then we got off and walked to the theatre. It was still pouring down with rain. I started to feel excited because I wanted to see the poster! Finally we arrived and in the distance I saw the word Annie. It was the poster! We ran to it and stood by it and took a picture, and here it is!
Then after that we went inside. I couldn't wait to see Robo the sound man, Danny the dog, Suzie and Rita! When we got in Robo was there and we gave him a hug. It was great to see everyone again! Then Danny came with Suzie and Rita! We gave him a stroke and he was really fluffy and cute. Then we met the orphans and the Molly was sooo cute! She is only 7 but she is really good at acting! All the orphans are! Can't wait to see what happens tommorow! See you soon!
Then after that we went inside. I couldn't wait to see Robo the sound man, Danny the dog, Suzie and Rita! When we got in Robo was there and we gave him a hug. It was great to see everyone again! Then Danny came with Suzie and Rita! We gave him a stroke and he was really fluffy and cute. Then we met the orphans and the Molly was sooo cute! She is only 7 but she is really good at acting! All the orphans are! Can't wait to see what happens tommorow! See you soon!
Bradford Thursday 19th August
Hi! Today we went to Bradford. I went on the train with Molly and Victoria's family. It was a long journey. Probably 2 and a half hours. Here is a picture of us on the train!
When we got there we went on a taxi and I wanted to see the theatre but we were going to see it tommorow. When we got to the apartment the man who owned it was standing there. There was a cafe and I thought: "Why are we going to stay in a cafe?" Then there was a house next to it. That was the place. We went in it and the man was very kind and showed us around. The apartment was nice. But it was very old fashioned and had this old smell in it. But it is fine for a week. Tomorrow we are going to the theatre to rehearse stuff from the show! I can't wait till we see the Annie poster because it has me as Annie on it! I will show you a picture of it tomorrow! Bye for now!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, 18 August 2010
Wednesday 18th August
I was Annie all afternoon today. I was Annie all afternoon because yesterday Victoria and Molly were Annie. Today we went to tesco's again and Victoria bought a pencil case like mine but purple! She called it Fuzzles and mines called Fluffy. Fuzzles and Fluffy are best freinds now lol. This is Fuzzles! Victoria's pencil case!
After rehearsals we went to Wetherspoons for tea. I had chicken nuggets chips and beans. Sadly today we had to move to the Travel Lodge because our accommodation wasn't booked for tonight. Going to Bradford tomorrow! So looking forward to seeing the appartment and the theatre! This week in London has been great! Catch up for more information about Bradford! Thank you! xxx
Tuesday, 17 August 2010
Sunday 15th August
Today was a great day!! 1. Because there were no rehearsals! 2. We went out!! 3. We did really cool stuff! First we went on the tube. Molly and her mum were going shopping and mine and Victoria's family went on a special day out! When we got off the tube we saw the largest building in the whole of England! It was huge! Here is a picture of us standing by the building. Were not actually that tall haha!
Then we got to the boat. It was lovely! The sun was shinning really brightly! Whilst we were on the boat the man gave us a tour around London. This was very interesting! I loved the boat ride so much!!!!!!!!!! Then we got to the 02 place! It was amazing! It had so much stuff in it! First we went to a music museum! It was very interesting and it showed us loads of stuff like music from the past! It also showed the real costume that Freddie Mercury wore! I was like "WOW!!!" Also in the museum we got to play some instruments and try them out!!!!!! Then after that we went to look around. We saw these big hampster balls on the water! Some kids were in them and you cant get wet in there atall! Me and Victoria REALLY wanted to go on this! So we did! We queued for quite a while! But it was worth it! We went in them and it was one of the funnest things ever! I recommend them! Here is a picture of us in the ball!!!
Then we made our way to this boat ride we wanted to go on. On our walk we saw a fountain! Some little kids were playing in it and getting really wet! Then suddenly Victoria's dad ran straight threw the fountain! He was soaked! We all started to laugh. Here is a picture of me and Victoria by the fountain.
Monday, 16 August 2010
Saturday 14th August
Today was a great day because mine and Victoria's dad came to watch the rehearsals and stayed over night! I couldn't wait to see my dad! Today our director wasn't here. So our dance captain had to go through it instead. She went through 'Gonna Like It Here!' which is one of my favourite songs out of Annie! She went through the lift because the boys were struggling to pick the Annie's up. I enjoyed this alot because it is really high and really fun. At lunch time we went to tesco. I bought a really cute pink fluffy pencil case. I named it fluff, (which was a bit wierd!) Here is a picture of fluff!
The weather today was horrible!!! Pouring with rain!! On the way back from rehearsals we had to walk in the pouring rain! Luckily we had rain coats! Today Victoria tried on Su Pollards glasses! She said: “I couldn’t see in them because the lenses were too big!”. Finally Molly gets to sleep with us tonight because we didn’t have anough bedding. She can sleep with us because we have got this blow up bed thing, but the size of a real double bed! So were happy that they can sleep with us now!!
August 11th Wednesday
Went to rehursals today. Rodger (the director) was very pleased with us today. He was pleased because we picked every thing up straight away. He was so pleased that he sent us home 1 hour and 5 mintues earlier!!! Everyone was so happy!! I got used alot today too. There is a new song in that Mr. Warbucks sings. I have no idea what it’s called. It is a slow song. They have added some more bits in and changed where Miss Hannigan pulls me because it hurt last year. Last year they pulled me and this year they just grab me. So It’s a lot better now.
The reahursals were not as boring today because they went threw the dance to I think I’m gonna like it here! It is an amazing dance and I love it because Annie gets to be picked up really high sideways above peoples heads. Its really really fun. I got really tired near the end because they kept using me because I did it last year. My feet hert, but I had to cope with it. The rehursals are very tiring and I’m sure the tour will be too. But we will get use to it once we get going probally. Well, I did last year.
Tuesday 10th August
The apartment is sooooo nice! It has a balcony in the living room and the 2 bedrooms!! It has an amazing garden!!! It’s huge! Me and my mum sleep in one room with serrate beds and Victoria and her mum share the double bed with an on sweet.
Dear Diary
I am at the rehearsals now and I am very bored indeed! I am bored because the annies were only needed once. So most of the time I have been sitting here doing... NOTHING! But I have had an amazing day with the annies! We went out for a walk and it was lovely and sunny! I cant wait to see where were staying! I will tell you about it later.
Sunday, 15 August 2010
London 9th August 2010
I woke up at 6:10, which was hard! I said goodbye to my little doggie, lady and my dad. I will miss them so much. I got on the train. I had to go to London and it was two hours away on train. Which is not long compaired to the other places iv’e been to. I arrived at the taxi place and we got a taxi to the reahursal place. It was a lovely sunny day! I got out the taxi and the one of the annies were there, molly! She had had a hair cut and she looked so different then she used to because she had long hair. Then we went in the reahursal place and Victoria (the other annie) was there. There were lots of new faces around and ones from last year to such as: Su pollard and David Mc Alister.
These are the Annie's.
Saturday, 14 August 2010
Preparing For the Tour
I got asked back again! I couldn’t believe it! I couldn’t wait to meet the new Annie’s (Victoria and Molly!) and the new cast! The man told my mum that it would start in August, which is not long because it is July now! So now I am just preparing for another tour! I cant wait! But this time it is just going around England.
About The Tour 2009
I had a great tour last year and met 2 famous people (David Mc Alister off Holly Oaks and Su Pollard off hi de hi!) Su is a really fun person! All the cast were lovely! I toured around lots of different places such as: Ireland, Scotland, England and Wales. It was so fun! But very tiring! I wanted to go next year! I hope I would!
The Audition
Hi my name is Lydia and last year I auditioned for this professional show Annie. I auditioned for the main part Annie. I had to sing 2 Annie songs (maybe and tomorrow) and also sing an unaccompanied song (popular from wicked.) Then I went home and waited for a phone call! I went to school and when my mum came to collect me from school she said: "We got a phone call from Annie and you've got the part!" I started to cry and every one gathered around me and gave me a hug! I was so happy!
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