Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Sunday 15th August

Today was a great day!! 1. Because there were no rehearsals! 2. We went out!! 3. We did really cool stuff! First we went on the tube. Molly and her mum were going shopping and mine and Victoria's family went on a special day out! When we got off the tube we saw the largest building in the whole of England! It was huge! Here is a picture of us standing by the building. Were not actually that tall haha!
Then we made our way to this boat ride we wanted to go on. On our walk we saw a fountain! Some little kids were playing in it and getting really wet! Then suddenly Victoria's dad ran straight threw the fountain! He was soaked! We all started to laugh. Here is a picture of me and Victoria by the fountain.
Then we got to the boat. It was lovely! The sun was shinning really brightly! Whilst we were on the boat the man gave us a tour around London. This was very interesting! I loved the boat ride so much!!!!!!!!!! Then we got to the 02 place! It was amazing! It had so much stuff in it! First we went to a music museum! It was very interesting and it showed us loads of stuff like music from the past! It also showed the real costume that Freddie Mercury wore! I was like "WOW!!!" Also in the museum we got to play some instruments and try them out!!!!!! Then after that we went to look around. We saw these big hampster balls on the water! Some kids were in them and you cant get wet in there atall! Me and Victoria REALLY wanted to go on this! So we did! We queued for quite a while! But it was worth it! We went in them and it was one of the funnest things ever! I recommend them! Here is a picture of us in the ball!!!
Then we went to a lovely restrurant and I had fish and chips! It was my dads birthday and the chefs all sung happy birthday. It was really funny to watch. Then after that we had to go home. What a great day we had!! I hope next week will be even better!! Bye xxx


  1. That was a really fun day wasn't it Lydia

  2. lydia i went on the hamster balls in spain it was boiling...wait i think it was maiby the 15 but i am not sure

  3. Reply to Sabine: Yeh they are hot lol!
    Reply to Victoria: Yeh it was a great day!
    Reply to Nigle: Thanks!
