Monday, 30 August 2010

Tuesday 24th August

Today Victoria was going to play Annie! She was so excited because it's her first show. When we got there we did one rehearsal before the show. I was Annie at the end of the rehearsal and Victoria was playing Tessie. After that the orphans arrived at 2:00 and everyone got changed. Victoria was Annie and I was Tessie. I had to wear that horrible wig again! lol. Victoria did extremely well that night! We are all very proud of her! I asked Victoria which bit she liked best and she said "The best bit was at the end because I came down the stairs dressed in the red curly wig and the famous red dress!" After the song 'Smile' all the orpahans had to put their posh dresses underneath their rags for the finale. I don't like that bit because I get REALLY hot with my wig on and 2 thick layers! Victoria was very nervous at the beginning. She said "I was terrified before I went on but as soon as I put down the bucket and said my line I felt amazing!" After that we had a little party for doing the first show. We spoke to Chris Moreno (the producer) and Roger Hannah (the director) and Roger Hannah's brother (he was very friendly).

What an amazing day we had!!

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