Sunday, 15 August 2010

London 9th August 2010

I woke up at 6:10, which was hard! I said goodbye to my little doggie, lady and my dad. I will miss them so much. I got on the train. I had to go to London and it was two hours away on train. Which is not long compaired to the other places iv’e been to. I arrived at the taxi place and we got a taxi to the reahursal place. It was a lovely sunny day! I got out the taxi and the one of the annies were there, molly! She had had a hair cut and she looked so different then she used to because she had long hair. Then we went in the reahursal place and Victoria (the other annie) was there. There were lots of new faces around and ones from last year to such as: Su pollard and David Mc Alister.
These are the Annie's.

1 comment:

  1. and who is the smallest lydia or may i say diddi liddi
