Friday, 20 August 2010

Friday 20th August

Hi! Today was a busy day! BUT GREAT! First we got up and went to the theatre. It was pouring with rain! We got on a bus. It was a double decker bus and we went on the top at the front! It was really really fun! Then we got off and walked to the theatre. It was still pouring down with rain. I started to feel excited because I wanted to see the poster! Finally we arrived and in the distance I saw the word Annie. It was the poster! We ran to it and stood by it and took a picture, and here it is!
Then after that we went inside. I couldn't wait to see Robo the sound man, Danny the dog, Suzie and Rita! When we got in Robo was there and we gave him a hug. It was great to see everyone again! Then Danny came with Suzie and Rita! We gave him a stroke and he was really fluffy and cute. Then we met the orphans and the Molly was sooo cute! She is only 7 but she is really good at acting! All the orphans are! Can't wait to see what happens tommorow! See you soon!