Thursday, 30 September 2010

Monday 20th September (My birthday!)

Today It was my birthday! I had a massive lie in till 12:00! My mum sang happy birthday to me and so did dad. Then after my lovely lie in I opened all my presents and went on my iphone and downloaded stuff and took loads of pictures and text people! Then after that me and mum baked a lovely jammy cake because my gran and my grandpa were coming round. Dad had gone out to work (the paw thing).

When grandma and grandpa came round they wanted to print out the picture of the lorry and show it to all their freinds lol. When they saw the picture they were amazed and couldn't wait to see it in real life! After that they gave me a prezzie and we all sat down and I opened the prezzie. Inside the prezzie was a beatiful purple dress with a blue cardy with it. I loved it because it was from my favourite clothes shop monsoon! Then they had the cake and I told them that I help mum make it they were very impressed because it was such a scrumsious cake! After that we went into town because I needed to get my new violin but in the end we didn't get it because I had £95 pound to spend for my birthday but the violin was £100 pound. So I couldn't get it. We only needed a cheap violin for the tour anyway.

Then I went out with my bff Twinny (Grace) again! We went swimming! When we got to the pool we bumped into Lily and Molly who were from my old school and I hadn't seen them for ages!!!! We played together in the pool and did hand stands and stuff. It was soooo fun!! Then twinny had to go to her swimming lesson so me, Molly and Lily got out the pool. I hugged Twinny and told her that I wouldn't be coming back in 5 weeks! But was I right???!!!

When we got home dad was back from work and we all sat down and had my favrouite tea Spagetti Bolonaise!

What a great birthday I have had and I do hope that I will enjoy being twelve!

Wednesday, 29 September 2010

Sunday 19th September

hiya! Today we went home! I couldn't wait to see my little doggie and my dad! When I got off the train dad was there and I ran to him as fast as I could because he was right down the bottom of the train station. I gave him the biggest hug ever! It felt so nice to be back in Macclesfield again.

When I got home I saw Lady (my dog)! I gave her a big hug to! She was happy to see me! It was Grace's birthday today and its mine tommorow! But she emailed me to say if I wanted to go round to her house and go out for a birthday meal! I said yes so I waited for her at home. When she arrived I gave her an enormous hug! (I like hugs! lol) Then we went out to a resturant. We sat on this table and we had our own birthday TV! It was sooo cool! Then Dave (Grace's dad) went up to the counter and asked if the waitress could bring the birthday cake to us and sing happy birthday! She said yes. So we had our tea. I had fish sticks, curly chips and peas and Grace had a burger, curly chips and beans. It was gorgous! Then after that the waitress came and so did some more and everyone sang happy birthday to me and Grace because we were having a joint birthday!
This is a picture of Grace. (I call her twinny because she looks like me!)

What a cool day!!! Then I went home and relaxed in my lovely bed!
What a great week!

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Saturday 18th Septmeber

Hiya! Today I'm soooooooooo excited again because I'm going to have a birthday party even though my birthday is on Monday. I have invited all the cast and all of them are coming! It will be really fun because we are going to play loads of games!

When we did the matinee show I rushed straight off the stage and got changed into my beautiful party dress from monsoon! So did Molly to! When we got changed we rushed straight to the cafe and they had hired a bit of the cafe for us! Eventually everyone arrived  accept Su. We had some lovely food!! Some people had fish fingers and some people had burgers! After that Su arrived! She quickly ate her food then we played pass the parcel! Henry won pass the parcel and he won some chocolate buttons! Here is a picutre of him!                                  

After that we played muscial statues and everyone was really competative. But Phill won in the end! (He is the one that plays Rooster!)

After that everyone sang happy birthday to me and I had 2 cakes which were already cut into pieces so mum didn't need to cut them lol. We had the cake! It was sooo nice! x Here is a picture of me and my birthday cake!
Then I opened my presents. They were lovely. After that we did a show and Molly was Annie.
What a fun day I had!!

Friday 17th September

Hi! Today I was soooooo excited!!!! I was excited because I was going to get my new iphone 4 for my birthday on Monday!!!! The tutor came again and tutored us. He is really good! Then after that he said would you like to come for a drink and my mum said I'm sorry but we have to get Lydia's new iphone. But he insisted that we should come! So we went quickly for a drink. Whilst we were having a drink he the tutored told us a joke. At first it was a normall joke but suddenly he shouted out a sware word and then when he finished the joke all I said was I don't get it! lol. So we decided to go because we really had to go for the phone we said goodbye and went.

When we got to the place this man on a computer helped us to set up the iphone and told us some information. He was really good and very kind. He told me how to install the apps and to go on the internet and to text. I couldn't wait to see it. Then suddenly he brought a box and that said iphone 4 on it and I knew it was in there sitting, waiting for someone to buy it! I opened the box and there it was! The most coolest phone ever! When we went back to the appartment I kept texting people. Then aventually mum  told me to stop because I'm not really alowd to use it till Monday.

After that we went to the theatre. I begged to bring my phone but mum said no. When I got there I couldn't stop thinking about my phone and I kept telling everyone about it. But luckily I didn't think about it during the show lol!

When we went out the theatre after the show. We knew the lorry with my face on had arrived but there was no time to look!

Alot of exciting things happened today!!

Sunday, 26 September 2010

Thursday 16th September

Today we were tutored by a teacher called Mick. He was realllyyyy good at teaching!!He taught us loads of stuff and he helped you whenever you wanted help!

After that we went shopping and Molly did really well and bought some uggs, some jeggings, a handbag and a neckless!!!! She was really lucky because when she went for the bag the one that she wanted had sold out. So we went to the counter and asked if there was the type of bag that Molly wanted. The lady said there is one left here!! We were really surprised because the lady that wanted it must of not wanted it in the end! lol.

Then we went to see the lovely Kittens again in the petshop as always! There were 2 new ones and they were soooo cute! We called them midnight and Freddie!
After that we did another show!! (We do lots of shows lol) Molly was Annie and I was Tessie. It went extremely well!!

Wednesday 15th September

Today we had 2 shows. Molly was Annie on the day and I was Annie on the evening. In the evening show when I say "and I love you to" in the sad bit and give Mr Warbucks a hug, this man in the audience said arrrrr!!! Really lowdly lol. Before the show Henry came up to me with his iphone and showed me a picture of me. He said this picture is going to be on the side of the luckings lorry! I couldn't believe it! I went straight to my mum and told her! We were both speechless lol.

Can't wait to see this lorry! It shall arrive on Friday!!!!!!! :D

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

Tuesday 14th September

Hi guys! We went to a museum about Carlisle in the past. It was called Tully's house. It was really interesting and there was this cave with a dark tunnel in it and I didn't want to go in it because I was too scared. lol. But my mum went in it first and she was in for ages. When she came out she said its fine because its just like a normall tunnel lol. Molly went in after and I was left by myself! I shouted Molly don't leave  me by myself! Then Molly came back out and pulled me in the tunnel. The tunnel was dark and it had some models in which was a bit freeky. When we came out I was fine.
Here is a picture of me and Molly sticking our heads through this wall with a picture on lol.

After that we went to the Cathedral it was beautiful! The ceiling had all stars on and a face of someone in the middle. We saw some candles that people had lit for the dead people. So I lit one for my Nana and Molly lit one for her Grandad. Here is a picture of me outside the Cathedral. 
After that we went to the theatre and did a show. It wasn't as good as Monday show because the audience wasn't as good. I was Annie and Molly was Tessie.
After that we went to bed lol.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Monday 13th September

Today we met the orphans from Carlisle and they were really nice! We ran through the the songs as usuall and we did a photo shoot for the newspaper! It took so long that we didn't have time to do mike check! This is a picture of the orphans.  

The show went BRILLIANTLY!!!!!! The audience were sooooo lowd and I got a massive chear at the end!!!!!!! I also got standing ovastion at the end! But the only problem was that we couldn't hear the band because they were at the back of the stage and we couldn't see them. I could hear the piano but nothing else. After the show we went back to our hotel. This week is going to be good!!!!!!!

Friday, 17 September 2010

Carlisle Sunday 12th September

Today we got on the train to go to Carlisle! I was really excited because I had no idea what Carlisle was like! We went to the train station to get on our train. When we were there Audrey bumped into us! (Audrey is the one who plays Mrs Pugh in the show.) So we decided to invite Audrey to travel with us. It was really fun with Audrey because she told us all about her life and she has been on loads of TV stuff! When we got off the train we saw Molly waiting for us! I ran up to her and gave her a hug because I hadn't seen her for a week! We went outside with Audrey and she had to get a taxi. We didn't because the hotel was right opposite the train station! We said goodbye to Audrey and went to the hotel.

We were in 1 room together. I suppose it was ok for the week. Then we decided to go and have a look at the theatre! When we got there....... Gareth and AJ were standing there and said "come here look at this!" I ran to them and they said look beside you! AND.............................. there was an Annie van with me on it! It was amazing because it had my face on!!!! Here is a picture of the Annie van! 

Then we went to look at the theatre! It was soooooo cool! It was a hall basically with seating and a stage. It was really big for a hall! Then we went for a lovely meal! I had spag bol! The restaurant was a 4 star one and it was sooooooooooooooooooo nice!!!! Looking forward to the show tomorrow!!!!!!


Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Saturday 11th September

Today my 2 cousins Sidney and Elliot came to watch me in Annie. And so did my uncle and my step aunt. I did the matinee show and it was really full! Alot fuller then the other days! I knew it was fuller because on all the other shows no one was on the top level. But this time there were people on the top level! So it was definetly fuller! lol. After that me, Sid, Ells, Jonathon and Kate went to have tea at pizza express! I had pasta bolognaise! It was very tomatoey lol. But the bad thing about the tea was that the pasta had cheese on and I hate cheese. But I still had to try and eat as much as I could. I didn't eat it all but I ate quite alot. After that we said goodbye to Sid and Ells and prepared for the last show this week. I was really sad that we had to leave another LOVELY set of orphans. The show went well AGAIN! lol. And at the very end one of the orphans cried because she was going to miss it so much. I stayed in touched with them and got there msn's again like I usually do.

What a great week I have had in Reading. I shall miss it lots.

Friday 10th September

Today we WERE going to go swimming but we didn't in the end because the tutor was really late. So anyway, yeh, did our tutoring and then after that we went to the theatre to do a show. Victoria was Annie. The show went really well. While we were being tutored mum went to look at the paddleing pool to see if it was still there. But all the water had gone because the man was draining it.

What a great day!

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Thursday 9th September

Today we got up and waited for our tutor to come because today we had to get tutored. The tutor was very nice. She was Indian and I found her quite hard to understand. But she was nice. After that, when the tutor went, we decided to go to the park again. We went in the pool but.... the man was draining it and we asked him why. He said because its the end of summer and it's getting dirty. But he said we could still go in! So we did! Then we went in the park for a bit on the sand and there was a twig and I hert my foot! It started to bleed and it really hert! We decided to go in the pool again to sooth it down. It worked lol. Then after that as usual we went to the theatre and did a show. Victoria was Annie again. What a great day we had! BYE X

p.s This is me and Victoria having our wigs done.

Wednesday 8th September

Hi! Today we had 2 shows and Victoria did the matinee as Annie. There were only about 50 or 40 people in the audience! They didn't really clap and they were really quiet. But the show still went well. After that we went to Burger King again because I wanted to try and get the Lassie dog. My mum asked at the counter and she said there is none left. But oh well. I still had a meal! After that I was Annie in the night show and the audience were a bit better this time. But there were still not many there. Then we went back to the appartment.

p.s  In our dressing room we have a really nice fridge! Look!

Friday, 10 September 2010

Tuesday 7th September

Hiya! Today we got up and went for a walk along this river. We saw a park in the distance and me and Victoria really wanted to go on it! We went to it. There was loads of stuff. We went on this spinny thing where you sit on this seat and it spins you really really fast! Well I span her then she span me lol. Then suddenly Victoria spotted a paddleing pool! We wanted to go in it but my mum said it looked a bit dirty so we didn't. But then Nigel (Victoria's dad) went in it! He said it feels really nice on your feet and its not too cold! It was a lovely sunny day so we went in it! Then my dad started to come in it! We wanted my mum to come in it but she didn't want to! It was soooooooooooooo nice! Here is a picture of us in the pool!
After that we saw this deck chair but as a swing! We wanted to go on that too. First Victoria had a go and my mum pushed her really high! Then I had a go but I didn't want to go high so she pushed me a little bit and it was really relaxing because it was like you were in a cradle and you could sun bathe too! Then my dad had a go and we pushed him not very high and he almost went to sleep! Here is a picture of me and mum pushing dad!
Then we went shopping into town and we went to starbucks! I had this lovely chocolate creamy milkshake frapochino! It was sooooooo nice!! And Victoria had a lemon one! Then we went home and had tea. Then went to the theatre and did a show as usual. That night I slept like a log. lol.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Monday 6th September

Today we waited outside for Victoria and her dad (Nigel) to come! I couldn't wait to see Victoria because I hadn't seen her for a week! When they arrived I showed Victoria the apartment. She thought it was ok for the week. Then we went to the theatre to meet the orphans. They were awsome orphans! We ran threw the songs that the orphans do. My dad and Nigel sat and watched. The little Molly is soooooo cute! Shes six again! She's called Beau! She is REALLY good! When we went out we took this funny photo of me and Nigel by the Annie poster! And here it is!

After that we went to Burger King for a quick tea because of the show. There were these little free dog toys you could get in your kids meal. I wanted the Lassie dog because you can comb its tail. But I got this really cute one that sits on a cusion. Then we went back to the theatre to do a show. It went really well but the little Molly Beau accidently started to early. But it was only there first go so they did REALLY well!

Reading Sunday 5th September

Today we set off to Reading. Dad drove us there. The journey took an hour and a half. When we got there it wasn't as nice as Milton Keynes. We were above a carpet shop. The apartment was nice and modern but VERY small. Atleast it had wireless! After that we went to Tescos to get some food for the apartment. Then we came back and dropped it off. Next we went to find the theatre just to have a little look at it. It took a while to find it because it was in a very strange place. But it is close anouth to walk there. To get to the theatre we had to walk threw a very horrible smelly car park which had all mold in it and stuff. We finally saw the theatre (the Hexegon Theatre). It's called the Hexegon theatre because it is in the shape of a hexagon! We saw the Annie poster. Then we went pack to the apartment and, thats it really lol. But I couldn't wait to see Victoria! It's Molly's week off this week so she won't be here. I am missing her lots. Can't wait to do show tommorow as Annie and I hope everything gose well!

Tuesday, 7 September 2010

Saturday 4th September

Today we had 2 shows and I couldn't wait to have a party after the matinee show. We were having a joke party and everyone who was there had to think of a joke and the best joke would win! Whilst we were doing the matinee show, dad, very kindly, setted the party up and got the food ready. I couldn't stop thinking about the party! Even Su Pollard was going to come! After the show we got changed REALLY quick! We waited outside the theatre and all the cast were there! Except for the 4 who couldn't come. When everyone was outside we all walked to our apartment because it was literly just straight on!

When we got there everyone LOVED the apartment and dad had made it really nice and moved the sopha and the table! First we ate the party food! I was hungry because I only had a little lunch. Then we got to the jokes! It was a VERY hard choice because everyones was so good! Then we finally chose the winner! The winner was AUDREY, who plays mrs Pugh! Hers was really good and she told it REALLY well!

After the AMAZING party we tieded up the house and went straight to the theatre. The show went well again! I can't tell much about the show because it always gose so well lol. Then, sadly, after the show I said goodbye to the orphans. I was really sad and almost cried. I stayed intouched with most of them and got there email adresses. Molly went home and me, mum and dad went to the apartment and decided to go home tomorrow. What a great week we had had in Milton Keynes. I will never forget it.

Monday, 6 September 2010

Friday 3rd September

Today, before the show we went rock climbing in the centre of Milton Keynes. You could do it as long as you wanted to up to half an hour! I thought I would only do about 5 minutes! And Molly thought she would do 15 mins! Then when we did it we started off. It was really fun. At first Molly didn't climb so high, but I got half way! I said to mum: "how long have we had climbing?" and mum said: "15 minutes!" We were so shocked! I said "it can't be mum! Weve only been climbing for 2 mins!" But mum was right. We were having so much fun that we forgot about all the time. Eventually half an hour had gone! It felt like 10 minutes!

Then after that we went to Starbucks cafe in this shopping centre. Dad had a coffee and me, mum and Molly just relaxed. Whilst dad was having his coffee we called my grandad because it was his birthday! We sang happy birthday to him on the phone. Suddenly Robo (Batman) (soundman) came passed and we said hello. After that Molly and mum wanted to go shopping. But I wanted to have a power nap because I had been Annie 3 times in a row. So me and my dad walked back to the apartment and I had a rest. Then, when mum and molly came back, I played on my laptop. Then we did the show.

On tonights show my uncle and his partner came to watch the show. And so did dad because he was still here. They loved it lots and after the show they came back to the apartment. They stayed for a bit and me and Molly played on my laptop. Then we said goodbye and they went.

Tomorrow is the last show in Milton Keynes. But me mum and Molly decided to have a party at our apartment! Catch up with news about the party tomorrow!


Sunday, 5 September 2010

Thursday 2nd September

Today my dad was coming round to ours again! We spent the whole morning indoors waiting for him because he got a little bit lost lol. When he arrived we showed him around the apartment. He LOVED it and thought it was REALLY nice. Then me, molly, mum and dad went into town, which was a short walk away. We went to view the snow dome. It was HUGE and it had loads of stuff in it. It had a real ski slope that had real snow in it! You could go snow boarding, sking and sledging! We put our hands on the glass and it felt FREEZING! It also had a sky diving place where there was a really BIG wind and people like fly in it! It was soooo cool because we got to see people really flying! Then we went into town and there was this MASSIVE rock climbing that reached the ceiling!  We decided to go on it tomorrow!
Then we went to the theatre. I was playing Annie again! It was a really great show and it went really well. My mum said that I did extra well tonight! I don't know what I did to improve it lol.
thanks for reading!

Saturday, 4 September 2010

Wednsday 1st September

Hi! Today we went to the theatre early because it was a matinee show. I wasn't in todays show. We went down to the wig lady and gave my Tessie wig in to do. I hoped shed make it look lovley! She said she didn't have time to do the Tessie wig today. So she said that she would bring it home and do it at home. I couldn't believe the Tessie wig was going to be done up and look amazing!
In the afternoon Victoria went home because tomorrow she is going to her new school! Then in the evening show Molly played Annie! She did soooooooo well! And I played Tessie. The wig still wasn't done up yet so I had to wear it when it looked horrible. lol.
Thanks for reading!

Friday, 3 September 2010

Milton Keynes Tuesday 31st August

Today we got in our car to go to the train station to milton keynes!  I was soooo excited! On the way dad kept taking the wrong turnings because the sat nav was being stupid lol. Then mum kept saying: "Were gonna be late!" and as soon as we got to the train station (finally) there was a train that had pulled in and it went as soon as we got there. We stood there and said: "Weve missed the train." So then after that we went inside whilst dad waited by the car. I asked mum if I could say bye to dad. She said "There's no time!" Then I started to get really upset. Mum asked this lady have we just missed the train for Milton keynes? And the lady said..... "NO! Its in 5 minutes! Its been delayed!" Mum and I couldn't believe it! And we even had time to say bye to dad! So i did! Then we got on the train and off we went.... to our next place, Milton Keynes!

When we got there Victoria and her mum were waiting for us outside the train station! It was nice to see them again! We got into the car and drove to our apartment! (Fingers crossed it should be nice!) Mum told Michelle (Victoria's mum) what happend on the train and how we almost missed it! When we got to the apartment there was a giant glass building and we were like "WOW!" Molly's family were there to. We went in the apartment.... It had a flat screen TV a balcony and palm tree's inside the house! It was sooooo nice!!!!

Then afer that we went to the theatre! It was really good because the theate was just next door to us so we just walked there and walked back! (nice and easy lol) When we saw the theate it was huge! Here is a picture of us by the theatre!  Then we saw the Annie poster! It was quite big! It was bigger then Bradfords anyway lol.

Then when we went in we met the orphans! They were all really nice kids! The Molly was sooo cute because she was only 6! Then we ran threw the songs. All the orphans were really good singers! I couldn't wait to do the show tonight. The audience was massive and so was the stage. When we did the show I played Annie and Victoria played Tessie. Everything went really well! And I heard some really good news that a lady is coming in to make the wigs look reaaaaalllly nice! That will be good!
What a great week im going to have!

Thursday, 2 September 2010

Monday 30th August

Today I went out with Twinny again. We went to Titisworth. Its like a massive park. It also had a wood in it but we didn't go in it because we had to go to my grandma's. In the park we went on this spinning thing. You sit in it and someone spins you and its really fast and really fun! Me and Twinny went in it together and span our selves. It was sooo cool!
        Then we went to grandma's. She had a park to! So we went in that! We went on these really high swings and the slide! After that Twinny came for tea at mine. We had chicken curry! It was DELICOUS!
        Then sadly Twinny had to go home. I said goodbye to her and told her that I would be back in 3 weeks. She was very sad. But 3 weeks isn't really that long is it?


Sunday 29th August

Hi! Today me and my best friend Grace went swimming! It was really nice to see my bf again! We call each other twinny because we look alot like each other! I am twinny 2 and she is twinny 1. We went swimming to the leisure centre. Then after that we went for tea.
        We went to the brocklehurst arms for tea. It was soooooo nice! I had fish fingers with curly chips and peas and Twinny had a burger chips and beans. (I think lol). Whilst we were having our tea we had our own TV on the wall by our table. We watched the x factor. It was sooo funny because there were some really rubbish singers lol. But some really good ones too.
        Tommorow we get a day off too.
Then were off to Milton keynes!!!!e

Wednesday, 1 September 2010

Saturday 28th August

Today I was going home! I was so excited because my dad was coming to see my show and after that we would go home and I'd see my dog Lady! Yesturday there were some ladys handing out these green ribbons that symbolised piece in Bradford. Then today some people who weren't very nice didn't want peace so everyone was arguing.
         In today's show Molly played Annie and Victoria played Tessie. It went really well. I just stood back stage and watched, but it was quite nice to have a rest. Then after that show Victoria went home because she wasn't needed in the evening show. So I played Annie and Molly played Tessie. Before the show started we went to stage door to see my dad! I was so excited! Then I saw him standing there and I rushed out and gave him the biggest hug in the world! I was sooo happy! He bought me a cuddley toy dog! It said on the collar that it was called puppy lol.  THEN THE SHOW STARTED!
        When I waited back stage I knew my dad was in the audience front row! When I got on stage and sang Maybe I saw my dad straight away! I was sooo happy! Then after the show we went to stage door and dad was there! I gave him another big hug! He said he loved it sooo much! We signed a few autographs and went to our car. I said good bye to the Annies. And went.
         When I got home and walked up the stairs to out house. I shouted "LADY!" and there she was, sitting there by the door! She was so excited! Me and mum gave her a hug. She went beserk!

I am so happy to be back home again!
The next place is Milton keynes!
thank you


Friday 27th August

Today in the morning we had an understudy rehearsal! It was so cool to see the understudys play a different part! I played Molly the orphan because I am an understudy for her. Victoria was all the other orphans and Molly was Annie. We stayed for lunch and we had our lunch in the audience walst watching the understudys. It was really fun!
       When we did the show, Victoria was Annie again. The cheese thing with Danny worked again! Victoria enjoyed the show and I think Molly was Tessie. 

We are going home tomorrow!!!!
AND MY DOGGIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!