Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Saturday 18th Septmeber

Hiya! Today I'm soooooooooo excited again because I'm going to have a birthday party even though my birthday is on Monday. I have invited all the cast and all of them are coming! It will be really fun because we are going to play loads of games!

When we did the matinee show I rushed straight off the stage and got changed into my beautiful party dress from monsoon! So did Molly to! When we got changed we rushed straight to the cafe and they had hired a bit of the cafe for us! Eventually everyone arrived  accept Su. We had some lovely food!! Some people had fish fingers and some people had burgers! After that Su arrived! She quickly ate her food then we played pass the parcel! Henry won pass the parcel and he won some chocolate buttons! Here is a picutre of him!                                  

After that we played muscial statues and everyone was really competative. But Phill won in the end! (He is the one that plays Rooster!)

After that everyone sang happy birthday to me and I had 2 cakes which were already cut into pieces so mum didn't need to cut them lol. We had the cake! It was sooo nice! x Here is a picture of me and my birthday cake!
Then I opened my presents. They were lovely. After that we did a show and Molly was Annie.
What a fun day I had!!

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