Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Reading Sunday 5th September

Today we set off to Reading. Dad drove us there. The journey took an hour and a half. When we got there it wasn't as nice as Milton Keynes. We were above a carpet shop. The apartment was nice and modern but VERY small. Atleast it had wireless! After that we went to Tescos to get some food for the apartment. Then we came back and dropped it off. Next we went to find the theatre just to have a little look at it. It took a while to find it because it was in a very strange place. But it is close anouth to walk there. To get to the theatre we had to walk threw a very horrible smelly car park which had all mold in it and stuff. We finally saw the theatre (the Hexegon Theatre). It's called the Hexegon theatre because it is in the shape of a hexagon! We saw the Annie poster. Then we went pack to the apartment and, thats it really lol. But I couldn't wait to see Victoria! It's Molly's week off this week so she won't be here. I am missing her lots. Can't wait to do show tommorow as Annie and I hope everything gose well!

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