Saturday, 4 September 2010

Wednsday 1st September

Hi! Today we went to the theatre early because it was a matinee show. I wasn't in todays show. We went down to the wig lady and gave my Tessie wig in to do. I hoped shed make it look lovley! She said she didn't have time to do the Tessie wig today. So she said that she would bring it home and do it at home. I couldn't believe the Tessie wig was going to be done up and look amazing!
In the afternoon Victoria went home because tomorrow she is going to her new school! Then in the evening show Molly played Annie! She did soooooooo well! And I played Tessie. The wig still wasn't done up yet so I had to wear it when it looked horrible. lol.
Thanks for reading!

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