Thursday, 30 September 2010

Monday 20th September (My birthday!)

Today It was my birthday! I had a massive lie in till 12:00! My mum sang happy birthday to me and so did dad. Then after my lovely lie in I opened all my presents and went on my iphone and downloaded stuff and took loads of pictures and text people! Then after that me and mum baked a lovely jammy cake because my gran and my grandpa were coming round. Dad had gone out to work (the paw thing).

When grandma and grandpa came round they wanted to print out the picture of the lorry and show it to all their freinds lol. When they saw the picture they were amazed and couldn't wait to see it in real life! After that they gave me a prezzie and we all sat down and I opened the prezzie. Inside the prezzie was a beatiful purple dress with a blue cardy with it. I loved it because it was from my favourite clothes shop monsoon! Then they had the cake and I told them that I help mum make it they were very impressed because it was such a scrumsious cake! After that we went into town because I needed to get my new violin but in the end we didn't get it because I had £95 pound to spend for my birthday but the violin was £100 pound. So I couldn't get it. We only needed a cheap violin for the tour anyway.

Then I went out with my bff Twinny (Grace) again! We went swimming! When we got to the pool we bumped into Lily and Molly who were from my old school and I hadn't seen them for ages!!!! We played together in the pool and did hand stands and stuff. It was soooo fun!! Then twinny had to go to her swimming lesson so me, Molly and Lily got out the pool. I hugged Twinny and told her that I wouldn't be coming back in 5 weeks! But was I right???!!!

When we got home dad was back from work and we all sat down and had my favrouite tea Spagetti Bolonaise!

What a great birthday I have had and I do hope that I will enjoy being twelve!

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