Today we had 2 shows and I couldn't wait to have a party after the matinee show. We were having a joke party and everyone who was there had to think of a joke and the best joke would win! Whilst we were doing the matinee show, dad, very kindly, setted the party up and got the food ready. I couldn't stop thinking about the party! Even Su Pollard was going to come! After the show we got changed REALLY quick! We waited outside the theatre and all the cast were there! Except for the 4 who couldn't come. When everyone was outside we all walked to our apartment because it was literly just straight on!
When we got there everyone LOVED the apartment and dad had made it really nice and moved the sopha and the table! First we ate the party food! I was hungry because I only had a little lunch. Then we got to the jokes! It was a VERY hard choice because everyones was so good! Then we finally chose the winner! The winner was AUDREY, who plays mrs Pugh! Hers was really good and she told it REALLY well!
After the AMAZING party we tieded up the house and went straight to the theatre. The show went well again! I can't tell much about the show because it always gose so well lol. Then, sadly, after the show I said goodbye to the orphans. I was really sad and almost cried. I stayed intouched with most of them and got there email adresses. Molly went home and me, mum and dad went to the apartment and decided to go home tomorrow. What a great week we had had in Milton Keynes. I will never forget it.
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