Thursday, 2 September 2010

Monday 30th August

Today I went out with Twinny again. We went to Titisworth. Its like a massive park. It also had a wood in it but we didn't go in it because we had to go to my grandma's. In the park we went on this spinning thing. You sit in it and someone spins you and its really fast and really fun! Me and Twinny went in it together and span our selves. It was sooo cool!
        Then we went to grandma's. She had a park to! So we went in that! We went on these really high swings and the slide! After that Twinny came for tea at mine. We had chicken curry! It was DELICOUS!
        Then sadly Twinny had to go home. I said goodbye to her and told her that I would be back in 3 weeks. She was very sad. But 3 weeks isn't really that long is it?


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